
Tektronix PA3000

цена по запросу

Анализатор мощности PA3000 компании Tektronix — это идеальный прибор для 1- и 3-фазных систем, предназначенный для тестирования высокоэффективных источников питания, драйверов светодиодов, бытовых приборов, инверторов и приводов. При помощи этого прибора можно анализировать и документировать активную мощность, коэффициент мощности, КПД, энергопотребление и гармоники, проверяя их на соответствие новейшим нормативным документам, таким как Стандарт энергоэффективности, уровень VI, Energy Star, CEC, IEC 62301 и другие.

Описание Характеристики Файлы

Мощное программное обеспечение для анализа


Объединив возможности бесплатного пакета ПО PWRVIEW и анализаторов потребляемой мощности Tektronix, можно получить мощный инструмент анализа, исключающий необходимость в разработке и поддержке каждым заказчиком своего программного обеспечения. Теперь можно намного проще и эффективнее выполнять длительное и трудоёмкое тестирование КПД, тестирование потребляемой мощности, анализ источников постоянного и переменного тока, анализ мощности, потребляемой от 3-фазной сети, или анализ гармоник.

Основные преимущества

  • Удалённый контроль, анализ и регистрация результатов
  • Настройка и выполнение адаптированных под требования заказчиков испытаний типа «годен/негоден»
  • Меню «Applications» (установленных по умолчанию областей применения) для быстрой настройки
  • Просмотр осциллограмм, графиков гармоник и тенденций

Соответствие нормативным требованиям


При помощи анализатора PA3000 с программным обеспечением PWRVIEW и генерируемых в формате PDF отчётов можно упростить предварительное и окончательное тестирование устройств на соответствие разным нормативным документам. Теперь можно уверенно и без проблем пройти проводимые третьей стороной тесты готовой продукции на соответствие требованиям, исключив повторное тестирование и ревизии разработок, на которые потребовалось бы дополнительное время и средства.

Основные преимущества
  • Точность до 10 мВт, соответствующая требованиям IEC62301 к измерениям мощности в режиме ожидания
  • Тестирование КПД устройств УРОВНЯ VI (EPS)
  • Тестирование на соответствие стандарту Energy Star, требованиям Энергетической комиссии Калифорнии (CEC) и Центра сертификации качества Китая (CQC)
  • Соответствие стандарту MIL-1399 «Тестирование гармоник тока»

Точность и разрешение, актуальные в длительной перспективе


Так как анализатор PA3000 имеет огромный запас по сравнению с требованиями большинства нормативных документов, которые предъявляются к точности и разрешению анализаторов потребляемой мощности, инвестиции в этот прибор можно считать надёжно защищёнными в длительной перспективе.

Основные преимущества

  • Высокая базовая точность: 0,04 % при измерении напряжения и тока
  • Широкий диапазон измеряемой мощности — от 10 мВт до МВт
  • 16-разрядный АЦП, обеспечивающий высокое разрешение

Достаточная полоса пропускания гармоник и частота дискретизации


Анализатор PA3000 не ограничивает сигналы узкой полосой пропускания. Наоборот, он регистрирует максимум данных, чтобы показать влияние высокочастотных гармоник на измерения напряжения и тока, что выгодно выделяет этот анализатор среди других приборов учёта энергии такого же класса. Содержание гармоник можно анализировать при частоте основной до 100 кГц. При необходимости используются полосовые фильтры.

Основные преимущества

  • Широкая полоса пропускания 1 МГц для регистрации высокочастотных гармоник
  • Высокая частота дискретизации 1 Мвыб/с для повышения качества изображения
  • Анализ гармоник до 100-го порядка

Установленные по умолчанию области применения для простой, повторяемой настройки


В анализатор PA3000 с ПО PWRVIEW загружены заданные по умолчанию режимы применения и тесты на соответствие, позволяющие быстро и точно настроить тестирование и получить высокоточные повторяемые результаты измерений.

Основные преимущества

  • Тестирование КПД источников питания и систем освещения
  • Тестирование энергопотребления бытовыми приборами
  • Анализ мощности, потребляемой приводами 3-фазных двигателей с широтно-импульсным регулированием
  • Разные типы тестов на соответствие с выдачей отчётов


The Tektronix PA3000 is a one to four channel power analyzer that is optimized for testing today’s single and multi-phase, high efficiency power conversion products and designs. Use it to quickly visualize, analyze, and document power efficiency, energy consumption, and electrical performance to the latest regional and international standards, including Level VI, EnergyStar, CEC, IEC 62301, CQC-3146, and more.

Key features and specifications

  • One to four channels support single and three phase applications
  • 10 mW standby power measurement
  • 1 MHz bandwidth
  • 1 MS/s sampling rate
  • 16 bit A/D
  • Harmonic analysis to 100th order
  • ±0.04% basic voltage and current accuracy
  • Measurements to 30 Arms and 600 Vrms Cat II (2000 Vpk)
  • USB and LAN interfaces standard (GPIB option)
  • Free PWRVIEW software
  • Full color graphical display for intuitive readouts of measured values, waveforms, harmonics, and energy integration plots

The essential power measurement tool for R&D and validation

  • High accuracy supports testing to Level VI efficiency standards for external AC/DC power supplies
  • Dedicated energy consumption testing in integration mode for standards like Energy star and CEC
  • Complete solution for full compliance testing to IEC 62301 standby power requirements
  • High 1 MHz bandwidth supports the LED module energy certification requirements of CQC-3146 as well as harmonic analysis of designs with higher fundamental frequencies
  • More than 50 standard measurement functions, including harmonics, frequency, and star-delta computation
  • Multiple analog and digital inputs for sensor data such as thermocouples, speeds sensors, and torques sensors
  • Built-in ±15 V supplies for external transducers to support high current applications


  • AC/DC power supplies and LED drivers
  • Appliances and consumer electronics
  • UPS systems, inverters, and DC/AC conversion systems
  • Wireless battery charging
  • Three phase motors and drives

AC/DC power supplies and LED drivers

Key tests include efficiency, standby power, harmonics, inrush current, and input power parameters such as power factor. The PA3000's graphical color display and PWRVIEW software boost productivity when performing these tests.

Example test configuration and measurement results for testing AC/DC power supplies and LED drivers

Efficiency Testing

  • 0.04% basic accuracy for voltage and current enables high efficiency testing and incremental design changes for various regulatory standards
  • 1 to 4 channels for comparative testing on two power supplies simultaneously
  • Wide dynamic range from 90 μA to 30 A enables testing no load through full load.

Comparative efficiency testing on two AC-DC power supplies simultaneously

Standby Power testing

  • 90 μA current measuring capability for standby power testing as low as 10 mW to support demanding low power designs
  • Full compliance IEC 62301 ED 2.0 standby power standard test with device uncertainty calculations as required by the standard
  • Long averaging enables stable standby power results
  • Auto-up ranging mode enables gap-less measurement

Full compliance IEC 62301 ED 2.0 Standby Power testing with PWRVIEW

Harmonic analysis

  • Voltage and current harmonic analysis up to 100th order
  • Easy THD and distortion factor measurements

Harmonics testing up to 100th order

Limits and Specification testing

  • Custom limits setup with free PWRVIEW software enables standards and specification testing to set limits

Custom limits setup for personalized limit checks on all measured parameters

Inrush Current testing

  • Min Max hold feature with 1 MS/s sampling rate allows testing for inrush events

Inrush event testing with Trend chart and Min Max hold feature

Input Power analysis

  • More than 50 measurement parameters including Power factor, crest factor, THD
  • Continuous 1 MS/s sampling rate enables accurate and gap-less input power analysis on non-sinusoidal signals

Appliances and consumer electronics

Key tests include energy consumption and standby power. The PA3000's built-in test modes simplify test setup.

Example test configuration and measurement results for testing appliances and consumer electronics

Energy Consumption testing

  • Dedicated Energy Consumption (Integrator) mode enables easy setup and testing for home and office appliances
  • Auto-up-only ranging feature with PWRVIEW enables gapless energy consumption testing
  • Integration and trend charts for long term monitoring
  • 1 to 4 channels enable simultaneous testing of multiple products

Energy Consumption testing

Standby Power testing

  • 90 μA current measuring capability and various ranging features for standby power testing on modern appliances
  • Full compliance IEC 62301 standby power standard test with device uncertainty calculations as required by the standard
  • Long averaging enables stable standby power results
  • Auto-up ranging mode enables gap-less measurement

Dedicated Standby Power testing mode and Integrator mode

Solar inverters and UPS systems

Key requirements include system efficiency testing and single or three-phase output waveform analysis. The PA3000 enables long-term datalogging in PWRVIEW software or to a USB memory stick.

Example test configuration and measurement results for testing solar inverters and UPS systems

System Efficiency testing

  • Up to four channels for simultaneously measuring all the stages of a UPS system or solar inverters
  • High AC (0.04%) and DC (0.05%) basic accuracy for accurate measurements on all conversion stages
  • 90 μA-30 A direct current measurement enables testing on wide range of loads
  • Available high accuracy current transducers enable high power testing in kilowatt range
  • Waveform view enables monitoring all phases simultaneously on single and three phase systems

Three phase waveform view

Output Voltage and Power Analysis (1θ & 3θ )

  • Default wiring configurations for single and three phase systems make it easy to setup and test complex voltage and power parameters
  • 3 Phase 3 Wire (3V3A) configuration allows star delta conversion for line to line voltage, line to neutral voltage and phase or neutral current measurement.
  • Voltage crest factor, VTHD and harmonics up to 100th order enable analyzing output voltage for various load conditions
  • Trend charts in PWRVIEW software for long term monitoring
  • Data logging via USB flash drive or PWRVIEW software for logging tracking data over a long period.

Default wiring configuration choices

Wired and wireless automotive battery chargers

Key tests include efficiency and harmonic analysis. The 4-channel PA3000 enables testing power at each stage of the wireless charging system, including transmitter and receiver.

Example test configuration and measurement results for testing wireless automotive battery chargers

Efficiency testing

  • High AC (0.04%) and DC (0.05%) basic accuracy for accurate measurements on all battery charger stages
  • 30 A internal shunt and available high accuracy current transducers for high power testing in kilowatt range
  • Standard ±15 V power supply on the back panel to power external current transducers
  • Up to four channels enable testing power on each stage of wireless charger including the transmitter and the receiver
  • Dedicated efficiency measurement on PWRIVEW software and Math function on PA3000 enable easy setup
  • 1 MHz bandwidth enables accurate RMS and efficiency measurements for high frequency transmitter and receiver power signals

Harmonic analysis


  • 1 MHz bandwidth enables harmonic analysis on wireless chargers with KHz fundamental frequency on transmitter and receiver
  • Voltage, current and power harmonics to 100th order with THD and distortion factor to analyze distorted input and output signals

Three phase motor drives

Key tests include output power, efficiency, and harmonic analysis. The PA3000's PWRVIEW software offers wizard-driven setups to simplify 3-phase 3-wire and 3-phase 4-wire test configurations.

Example test configuration and measurement results for testing three-phase motor drives

Output power

  • Dedicated PWM Motor drive mode to test output voltage waveforms
  • High frequency sampling with digital filtering in PWM mode, to reject the carrier frequency and detect the motor frequency while still using pre-filtered data for all measurements
  • Optimized for steady-state three phase power measurements on the output.

Efficiency testing

  • Dedicated application wizard on PWRIVEW software and Math function on PA3000 enable easy setup for motor drive efficiency
  • Available 3 Phase 3 Wire configuration makes it easy to measure three phase inputs and outputs with four channels for system efficiency
  • Four analog inputs rated at ±10 V and two counter inputs with 1 MHz bandwidth for torque and speed measurements enable measuring complete mechanical system efficiency
  • 30 A internal shunt and available high accuracy current transducers for high power testing in kilowatt range
  • Standard ±15 V power supply on the back panel to power external current transducers

PWM Motor Efficiency Wizard in the PWRVIEW software

Harmonic analysis

  • Accurate frequency detection from 0.1 Hz – 1 MHz enables accurate frequency and harmonic measurements from low to high motor speeds
  • Voltage, current and power harmonics to 100th order with THD and distortion factor to analyze distorted input and output signals and understand the heating effects of the signal

PWRVIEW Harmonic analysis

PWRVIEW PC software

PWRVIEW is a supporting software application for Windows PCs that compliments and extends the functionality of the PA3000. PWRVIEW enables you to do the following:

  • Communicate with the PA3000 over any of the instrument's comm ports (USB, LAN, GPIB, RS-232)
  • Change instrument settings remotely
  • Transfer, view, and save measurement data in real-time from the instrument, including user-defined hi/lo limit waveforms, harmonic bar charts, and plots
  • Log measurement data over a period of time or with manual trigger
  • Communicate with and download data from multiple PA3000 instruments simultaneously
  • Create formulas for the calculation of power conversion efficiency and other values
  • Export measurement data to .csv format for importing into other applications
  • Automate instrument setup, data collection, and report generation for key applications with just a few clicks, using wizard-driven interfaces
  • Perform automated full compliance testing for Low Power Standby per IEC62301 ED 2.0 and MIL-STD-1399-Section 300B
  • Additional information for using PWRVIEW is available in the built-in online help or can be downloaded as a PDF file from the Tektronix Web site.

PA3000 front panel

PA3000 rear panel with four input channels and optional GPIB interface

Available measurements

Vrms – Volts RMS Acf – Amps crest factor VAHf – Fundamental VA hours
Arms – Amps RMS Vthd – Volts total harmonic distortion VArHf – Fundamental VAr hours
Watt – Watts Vdf – Volts distortion factor Vf – Fundamental volts rms
VA – Volts-Amps Vtif – Volts telephone influence factor Af – Fundamental amps rms
VAr – Volts-Amps reactive power Athd – Amps total harmonic distortion Wf – Fundamental power
Freq – Frequency Adf – Amps distortion factor VAf – Fundamental apparent power
PF – Power factor Atif – Amps telephone influence factor VArf – Fundamental reactive power
Vpk+ – Volts peak (positive) Z – Impedance PFf – Fundamental power factor
Vpk- – Volts peak (negative) R – Resistance Vrng – Voltage range
Apk+ – Amps peak (positive) X – Reactance Arng – Amps range
Apk- – Amps peak (negative) Hr - Hour Vll – Voltage Line-to-Line
Vdc – DC Volts WHr – Watt hours Vln – Voltage Line-to-Neutral
Adc – DC Amps VAHr – VA hours An -- Neutral current ( or phase 3 current for 3p3w )
Vrmn – Volts rectified mean VArHr – VAr hours V Harmonics – Voltage harmonics
Armn – Amps rectified mean AHr – Amp hours A Harmonics – Amps harmonics
Vcmn – Volts corrected rectified mean Wav – Average watts W Harmonics – Watts harmonics
Acmn – Amps corrected rectified mean PFav – Average power factor  
Vcf – Volts crest factor CVAr – Correction VAr

Measurement channels

One to four channels, factory configurable

Voltage connections (4 mm safety banana jack inputs) Measurements to 600 Vrms, DC to 1 MHz, continuous Measurements to 2000 Vpk, maximum crest factor of 10 
30 A current connection (4 mm safety banana jack inputs) Measurements to 30 Arms, DC to 1 MHz, continuous Measurements to 200 Apk, maximum crest factor of 10 
Measurements to 75 Arms for 1 s non-repetitive
1 A current connection (4 mm safety banana jack inputs) Measurements to 1 Arms, DC to 1 MHz, continuous Measurements to 5 Apk, maximum crest factor of 10 
Measurements to 2 Arms for 1 s non-repetitive
External current connection (2 mm safety banana jack inputs) Measurements to 20 Vpk, DC to 1 MHz, continuous Measurements to 50 Vpk for 1 s
Analog card power supply outputs ±15 V supply ±15 V ±5%, 250 mA max (protected) per analog card output
Each measurement channel includes a set of 4 mm stackable banana safety test leads and 2 mm stackable banana safety test leads.

Ordering information

PA3000 models

A PA3000 must be ordered with one of the following options:

Opt. 1CH
One input module installed
Opt. 2CH
Two input modules installed
Opt. 3CH
Three input modules installed
Opt. 4CH
Four input modules installed

Standard accessories

  • Lead Set (one per input module)
  • Country-specific power cord
  • Power output for external current transducers
  • USB Host - to - Device interface cable
  • Certificate of calibration documenting traceability to National Metrology Institute(s) and ISO9001 Quality System Registration
  • Three year product warranty


GPIB Interface

Language options

No language options. Translated manuals can be downloaded from the Tektronix Web Site for the following languages:
  • French (Tektronix part number, 077115300)
  • German (Tektronix part number, 077115400)
  • Japanese (Tektronix part number, 077115500)
  • Korean (Tektronix part number, 07711600)
  • Simplified Chinese (Tektronix part number, 077115700)
  • Spanish (Tektronix part number, 077116000)
  • Portuguese (Tektronix part number, 077116100)

Power cord options

Opt. A0
North America power plug (115 V, 60 Hz)
Opt. A1
Universal Euro power plug (220 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A2
United Kingdom power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A3
Australia power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A4
North America power plug (240 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A5
Switzerland power plug (220 V, 50 Hz)
Opt. A6
Japan power plug (100 V, 50/60 Hz)
Opt. A10
China power plug (50 Hz)
Opt. A11
India power plug (50 Hz)
Opt. A12
Brazil power plug (60 Hz)
Opt. A99
No power cord

Service options

Opt. C3
Calibration Service 3 Years
Opt. C5
Calibration Service 5 Years
Opt. D1
Calibration Data Report
Opt. D3
Calibration Data Report 3 Years (with Opt. C3)
Opt. D5
Calibration Data Report 5 Years (with Opt. C5)
Opt. G3
Complete Care 3 Years (includes loaner, scheduled calibration, and more)
Opt. G5
Complete Care 5 Years (includes loaner, scheduled calibration, and more)

Recommended accessories

Universal breakout box (120 V/240 V)
Fixed-core current transducer, AC/DC, high accuracy, up to 60 A
Fixed-core current transducer, AC/DC, high accuracy, up to 200 A
Fixed-core current transducer, AC/DC, high accuracy, up to 1000 A
Fixed-core current transducer, AC/DC, Hall effect, up to 100 A
Fixed-core current transducer, AC/DC, Hall effect, up to 200 A
Fixed-core current transducer, AC/DC, Hall effect, up to 1000 A
Current clamp, 1 A - 200 A, for Tektronix Power Analyzers, AC only
Current clamp, 0.1 A - 1200 A, for Tektronix Power Analyzers, AC only
Replacement lead set for Tektronix Power Analyzers (One channel lead set)

See Accessories datasheet # 55W-30309-0 for more detailed descriptions.

Модель Количество каналов Основная точность (V и I) Максимальное входное напряжение Максимальный входной ток Полоса пропускания при измерении
PA3000 1-4 0,04 % показания + 0,04 % диапазона 600 В среднеквадратичное значение, КАТ. II (2 000 В пиковое значение) 30 A среднеквадратичное значение От 0 до 1 МГц


All specifications are guaranteed unless noted otherwise. All specifications apply to all models unless noted otherwise. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Current accuracy

Accuracy Arms
(45 Hz to 850 Hz)
1 A shunt
±0.04% reading ±0.04% range
30 A shunt
±0.04% reading ±0.04% range
External shunt
±0.1% reading ±0.04% range
Accuracy Arms, typical
(10 Hz to 45 Hz, 850 Hz to 1 MHz)
1 A shunt
±(0.05 + 2×10-5 × f)% reading ±0.05% range ±40 μA
30 A shunt
±(0.05 + 2×10-5 × f)% reading ±0.05% range ±4 mA
External shunt
±(0.1 + 2×10-5 × f)% reading ±0.05% range ±1.1 mV
Accuracy Adc
1 A shunt
±0.05% reading ±0.1% range ±100 μA
30 A shunt
±0.05% reading ±0.1% range ± 10mA
External A shunt
±0.1% reading ±0.1% range ±1.1 mV
1 A shunt
12.5 mA, 25 mA, 50 mA, 125 mA, 250 mA, 500 mA, 1.25 A, 2.5 A, 5 A
30 A shunt
500 mA, 1 A, 2 A, 5 A, 10 A, 20 A, 50 A, 100 A, 200 A
External A shunt
50 mV, 100 mV, 200 mV, 500 mV, 1 V, 2 V, 5 V, 10 V, 20 V

Voltage accuracy

Accuracy Vrms (45 Hz to 850 Hz)
±0.04% reading ±0.04% range
Accuracy Vrms (10 Hz to 45 Hz, 850 Hz to 1 MHz), typical
±(0.05 + 1×10-5 × f)% reading ±0.05% range ±20 mV
Accuracy Vdc
±0.05% reading ±0.1% Range ±50 mV
Ranges (peak)
5 V, 10 V, 20 V, 50 V, 100 V, 200 V, 500 V, 1000 V, 2000 V

Supplemental characteristics

The following specifications are supplemental characteristics that provide additional information about instrument functions and performance. These characteristics are non-warranted specifications; they describe the typical performance of the PA3000.

Hours accuracy
Watts accuracy (45 Hz to 850 Hz)
±(Vrmsacc × Arms) ±(Armsacc × Vrms)
Watt hour accuracy
±(Wattacc + Houracc)
VA accuracy (45 Hz to 850 Hz)
±(Vrmsacc × Arms) ±(Armsacc × Vrms)
PF accuracy
Wacc / VA
Frequency accuracy
0.1 Hz to 10 Hz
0.1% of reading
10 Hz to 1 MHz
0.5% of reading
Analog inputs
10 Vdcrange: ±1 V to ±10 V

Vdcrange: ±0.1 V to ±1 V

±0.2% of reading ±0.2% of range ±0.005 V
Sample rate
1000 samples per second


IEEE-488 (Option)
IEEE Std 488.1 compliant

Baud rates from 9600 bps, 19200 bps (default), and 38400 bps

8 bit, No parity, 1 stop bit, hardware flow control

9 pin male D-type connector


IEEE 802.3 compatible, 10Base-T

RJ-45 connector with Link and Activity indicators

TCP/IP connection on port 5025 

USB device
USB 2.0 compatible, Full speed (12 Mb/sec)

General specifications

Conforms to European Union EMC directive
Conforms to European Union Low Voltage directive
0 °C to 40 °C (32 °F to 104 °F), 70% relative humidity up to 31 °C (87.8 °F)
-25 °C to 65 °C (-13 °F to 149 °F)
Up to 2000 m (6562 ft) above sea level
Warm up time
One hour
Calibration period
One year
Power supply
100 V to 240 VAC, 50 Hz or 60 Hz, 120 VA maximum
Transducer power supply
±15 V, Maximum current 250 mA per analog card
Dielectric strength

Mains supply inlet (Live + Neutral to earth): 1.5 kVAC

Voltage measurement inputs : 2 kVpkto earth

Current measurement inputs : 2 kVpkto earth

With handle and feet

14.6 cm high × 45 cm wide × 33.5 cm deep (5.75 in × 17.75 in × 13.2 in)

Without handle and feet

13.2 cm high × 42 cm wide × 33.5 cm deep (5.2 in × 16.5 in × 13.2 in)

9.5 kg (20.9 lb) – 4 channel instrument with GPIB option installed
Three years

Связанные приборы